Legendary Lavender is the most beautiful purple polish! It’s from the line of polishes developed for The Painted Nail, a nail salon in California run by Katie Cazorla. There’s a reality show about The Painted Nail, which is how I heard about it and decided to track down this polish. I have to admit that I can’t get into reality television, but this polish is amazing!
I made one attempt to watch The Painted Nail show but I didn’t make it to another episode. I’m usually too tired and rushed at night to watch much television, anyway. But after seeing pictures of The Painted Nail’s spring polishes on a few blogs, I couldn’t help myself from buying a couple and picking up the Moon Drop Top Coat, too. The polishes are produced by Nubar but are not just Nubar colors; they’re tweaked by Katie and reportedly have a more jelly-like formula than regular Nubar colors, for ease of use.
Legendary Lavender is a rich, emphatic purple that can look both warm and cool in different lights. Overall it seems to lean more towards the red side of purple, but it also has this amazing cooler flash of blue or lavender that peeks out sometimes. The shimmer is gorgeous and just chunky enough to be really sparkly. It goes on a bit sheer, but after three coats it’s nice and opaque. The formula was easy to use, just as advertised. I also like the brush-it’s flexible but stiff enough to direct the polish well. I enjoyed this polish so much and was really happy with it–there’s something vibrant about it that makes it a stand out purple, definitely my favorite out of this type of shimmery medium purple color.

Then I added a coat of The Painted Nail’s Moon Drop Top Coat. It’s a mix of matte grey hexagonal glitter, small silvery glitter and small greenish-blue glitters, that I also really liked. The grey sequins are unique because they aren’t themselves reflective, and give more of a dotted than sparkly look. I like how restrained and almost quiet it is for a glittery topcoat, and I think it will be interesting over a lot of other polishes that wouldn’t normally call for glitter–I’m betting this is going to be really pretty over Les Jeans de Chanel’s Blue Boy, with its grey tones. Over Legendary Lavender the grey glitters provide a nice contrast, and the blue glitter pops out from the purple.

The Painted Nail polishes are only available at The Painted Nail salon and on The Painted Nail website. Be warned that there are a lot of pretty colors in The Painted Nail line, so it’s hard to pick just a few!