I’ve noticed that I have a thing for food-related nail polish. One example follows: Candeo Colors Smores polish, which I just picked up recently.
I decided to branch out and try a few “indie” polish brands, and I was drawn to this speckly glitter while browsing on Llarowe. I chose it kind of randomly, and when it arrived it was even prettier than I was expecting. It’s a mix of large and small white hex glitters, square black glitters, some coppery glitters and lots of holographic gold glitters. It’s so warm and sparkly it really does make me think of melty chocolate.
I started with two coats of Dior’s Bronze Libertine, which has a golden shimmer that I thought could be sort of like graham crackers. Then I used just one coat of Smores to get the look below. I did have to sort of wipe the glitters around to get them spread across the nail, but I only had to dip the brush once for each nail. The glitters laid nicely flat and I only used one coat of Essie’s Good to Go on top, so I was kind of impressed. I really like the little holographic glitters; they caught the light a lot while I was wearing this and made the whole thing more fun. I’m sure it’s just the power of suggestion but I kept thinking about chocolate and toasty marshmallow smell when I would look at my nails. I thought this was a really successful manicure!

Candeo Colors are available online through Llarowe. Dior’s Bronze Libertine is from a few years ago and is probably not that easy to find anymore.