Chanel Riva from the Collection Côte D’Azur – Swatch and Review

Chanel Riva with CND Ice Blue Shimmer
Chanel Riva with CND Ice Blue Shimmer

This pretty blue shade is from Chanel’s Côte D’Azur Collection.  It was first shown on the runway in St. Tropez in May, and immediately created a lot of interest and buzz.  Although it was rumored to only be available in December, when I checked the Chanel website last week it was already up, and I quickly ordered my two bottles.  It’s still available now on the Chanel website.  The website also seems to actually be working, unlike when the Khakis appeared, and there was so much traffic that the website crashed.

There have already been a lot of reviews posted, and many of them have been very critical, complaining about the formula and the fact that the shimmer from the bottle is not as noticeable on the nail.  I really like it though–I think it’s a lot more wearable than most light/pastel blues, since it’s a bit sheer and doesn’t seem stark or too white.

It has a gorgeous, hazy greyish tint to it, and seems airy on the nail.  I’ve bought a few other pale blues (like the Avon Vintage Blue and Sephora Opi Havana Dreams) and never worn them, since they seem so bright to me when painted on.  This color seems more sophistocated, and I like how it’s more subtle than the other light blues I’ve tried.

I also didn’t have too much trouble with application.  I used three fairly thin coats, and instead of painting first down the middle of the nail and then on each side as I usually do, I painted three rows across starting on the far side of each nail-this lessens the drag of the brush back over already-painted areas, and Riva is thin enough that it still leveled out well.  I also waited slightly longer than usual between coats.

I did wish for a bit more shimmer once I had it on, and I noticed that the blue shimmer in the bottle exactly matches the blue shimmer of CND Ice Blue Shimmer-it’s the same shade of blue, and the same size particles.  So I added a layer on top, and it’s perfect!

Chanel Riva with CND Ice Blue Shimmer
Chanel Riva with CND Ice Blue Shimmer

You can see the blue shimmer well in both the bottle and my fingers in this shot:

Chanel Riva with CND Ice Bue Shimmer
Chanel Riva with CND Ice Bue Shimmer

I also tried it with a few topcoats to give a more wintery, sparkly look, and I think my last combination, using a layer of Deborah Lippmann Today Was A Fairytale, will be my choice for New Year’s Eve.

Chanel Riva with Orly Winter Wonderland
Chanel Riva with Orly Winter Wonderland

Chanel Riva with Deborah Lippmann Today Was A Fairytale
Chanel Riva with Deborah Lippmann Today Was A Fairytale

Chanel Riva is limited edition and may not be available for very long.  It would make a nice Christmas present for anyone who’s interested in nail polish or makeup.