I’ve been kind of struggling lately when I try to pick a polish. I have polish from some of the spring collections, but it seems too early to me to wear it yet. It’s just not time for pastels! Or even really light greys. It’s been nasty and snowy around here, and the greenish and brownish colors from fall also don’t seem to fit. So I’ve been picking greys a lot. Here’s one I choose recently, Deborah Lippmann’s Waking Up in Vegas.
This is the polish that Lady Gaga wore on the cover of Vanity Fair. That cover is the reason that I bought it; I love nail polish moments like that. So many people talked about this polish after that magazine cover! After hearing the story about Zoya’s Bela being in Black Swan, I had to have that one too. And I can’t wait for the Kate Middleton nail polish! (Ed: now out – Butter London’s No More Waity, Katie)
Anyway, this is a really nice polish and very neutral, so I’m glad I bought it. It’s a slightly taupe grey color that’s soft and calm looking. It applies perfectly-look at that cuticle line! Although it did take me three coats to get this depth of color. But it dries really fast, too. In fact, it’s not that shiny when it dries, but since I always wear it with topcoat it doesn’t really matter to me.

This picture is in normal indoor light, and shows how it looks on me most of the time. It’s not too light or too dark–it works all year round.