Dior’s Forget-Me-Not is the second polish from Dior’s Spring Collection. Like Waterlily, it has a soft, soapy-rose scent when it dries (but you should not stick your nose in the bottle to smell it-although you probably wouldn’t have gone that far!) I found out that when it’s wet and still-bottled, it smells just like normal nail polish. Not something to be huffing.
Forget-Me-Not is a dusty, cool lightish purple. I like that it’s not too lilac or pastel, but still is a light enough color to seem springy. Application was good and took just two coats. The smell when it’s dried is fairly faint and I didn’t find it to be noticeable, although I know that some people who are sensitive to scent have not been happy with it. Overall, I think Waterlily (the green from the collection, reviewed here) is the more unique of the two polishes. If I had to pick just one it would definitely be Waterlily. But Forget-Me-Not is still pretty, and more office-friendly than Waterlily.

It reminded me of Dior’s Purple Mix, but when I compared it was clear that the two are very different. In the picture below Forget-Me-Not is on my index and middle fingers and Purple Mix is on my ring and pinky. Purple Mix is from the Rock Your Nails Collection from last fall, and is a much darker and redder purple. It’s kind of prune-y. In comparison Forget-Me-Not looks even more delicate and flowery.

These two polishes are available now on Dior.com and at various department stores.