Essie French Affair Y-Gap Manicure

Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky and Ultra Violet
Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky and Ultra Violet

I’ve been pining for Dior’s Tutu, a new release for Spring 2013 that isn’t available yet in the US, so I pulled out Essie’s French Affair to try to soothe myself.

Tutu is a light pastel pink that leans a bit lavender; so pretty.  It’s been available in the UK for weeks, and I went to embarrassing lengths to try to buy Tutu that included a UK shopping service and a returned package to Selfridges, and then gave up.  I’ve since read that Tutu is supposed to be a Neiman Marcus exclusive in February, so it may still work out for me someday.  In the meantime I pulled out Essie’s French Affair, which is also a light pink with purple undertones.  French Affair is from Spring 2011, one of the first Essie collections to be available in retail packaging.  From pictures it seems that French Affair is slightly darker pink and also chalkier than Tutu, but it’s still a pretty pink that reminds me of spring.  I used just two coats for the picture below and it went on nicely.

Essie French Affair
Essie French Affair


Essie French Affair
Essie French Affair


After a few days I added a y-gap manicure on top using Dior’s Lucky.  I loved this combination so much!  I needed only one coat of Lucky since it’s so nice and opaque.  I was rushing so my brushstrokes were a little bit wonky but in everyday wear it wasn’t too noticeable.  I love how Lucky makes French Affair look even more purple and feminine.  I think the brushstrokes of Lucky could also be joined on the nail to make a cute Valentine’s Day heart manicure.

Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky
Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky


I also added dots of Dior Ultra Violet since it was sitting right by Lucky, which turned the combination into a kind of mysterious geometric look.


Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky
Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky and Ultra Violet


Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky and Ultra Violet
Essie French Affair, Dior Lucky and Ultra Violet


Essie French Affair should still be easy to find, although not in retail packaging.  Dior’s Lucky and Ultra Violet are still available on





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