Here’s an older Essie that I picked up during one of my stops at J. Crew to check on their small polish section. It fits right in with this summer’s focus on bright orange polishes.
This summer has already seen a lot of orange polishes, in many incarnations; sometimes it’s red-orange, sometimes it’s pink-orange, and sometimes it’s searing, bright orange. But I think it’s safe to say that orange is a big nail polish color for summer 2011. I’ve been so happy with Essie lately that when I recently stopped by J. Crew just to check in, I decided to pick up the Essie Tangerine they were selling. It’s a little weird, because some of the Essie colors at J. Crew are older colors that I almost wonder if Essie is clearing out-Tangerine isn’t at Ulta or any of the places I normally buy Essie, and it wasn’t on their website when I last checked, so I’m not sure why it would just show up at J. Crew.
It’s a great color-it has a slight pink undertone that didn’t photograph well, very pretty and very bright. Tangerine is less jelly-esque than some more recent Essies, so it was very opaque and covered smoothly and well. I used three coats to be sure but I might have been able to get away with two. It’s a straight creme and dries very glossy, and was easy to work with. It fits right in with Essie’s Summer 2011 collection and its focus on bright oranges and pinks.

I topped it with two coats of Kisses and Bises to see how close it would look to Brazilliant, but this combination is still more red and hot looking than Brazilliant’s cooler and more yellow-orange look. It turned out really pretty and shimmery. Kisses and Bises just can’t go wrong-it’s a beautiful and flashy complement to everything I’ve ever put it on.

The Essie polishes at J. Crew is a collaboration collection, so the polish is sold nowhere else! I’m looking for the Tangerine, but it seems to be sold out everywhere..
Tangerine wasn’t a J. Crew collection polish, although they did sell it at J. Crew for a while. It’s an older Essie polish that is still available at various etailers. Try Googling it, and check Amazon. The recent J. Crew colors were Milky Way and Peep Show, which I also reviewed. You might still come across those in a J. Crew store, but that’s the only place to find them. Hope this helps!