Here’s a polish from Essie’s Wedding Collection-Borrowed & Blue. These have been around but don’t seem to have been distributed as widely as other Essie collections-I’ve come across a few mostly empty displays lately, and they never showed up at a few of the places I see Essies. They also were never sold through the retail side, as far as I know.
I picked just the blue, which looked soft and more grey than other light blues I have. I’m happy to report that’s exactly how it comes out on the nail! It reminds me of Essie’s Absolutely Shore in that way–it’s somehow not pastel, since it has a lot of grey and looks a bit muted. But it’s still clean and very light. The first coat of this one was a bit streaky, so I had to use three coats to even it out, but the formula was pretty good for such a light color. I find that the small Essie brush helps avoid running and puddling at the cuticle with these kinds of colors.

This color feels refreshing and springy to me, not harsh like a few other light blues I have. At the same time, it’s not as yellow as Chanel’s Riva; it retains a baby blue tone. I like it better than Sephora’s Havana Dreams and Avon’s Vintage Blue, and will reach for it before those. Note to self: no need for more light blues. We’ll see if I can stick to that.

With a layer of China Glaze Whitecap it turns irridescent and flashy in a still-soft way. I like the way that this combination shows off the blue-ish purple tone that the glitter flakes in Whitecap take on in indirect light. This comes through even more in the shade picture below.