More Retail Essies from WalGreens and WalMart – Demure “Vix” and Angora Cardi

Essie Angora Cardi
Essie Angora Cardi

So today I have pictures of a few more Essies that I picked up in my rounds last week.  I had thought about buying both Demure Vixen and Angora Cardi in the past, but they proved irresistible when they were right in front of me.  I got Demure “Vix” at my WalGreens but had to go to a farther away WalMart to find Angora Cardi stocked in the display.  Keep reading for swatches.

Demure Vixen is a pinkish taupe that looks pretty close to my skintone.  I know everyone’s probably already read about it since it’s an older polish.  I really like it-it has a violet-pink shimmer that does come out  little bit in the sun, and makes it look warmer and more flashy.  But a lot of the time it looks plain and sleek, like in the picture below.  This took three coats but applied nicely:

Essie Demure "Vix"
Essie Demure "Vix"

In the shade, it looks a bit more purple.  I have to say that I think the name change is dumb.  Mostly because a vix isn’t anything.  I don’t know what that accomplishes, except confusion.  I mean, vixen is an actual English word that means female fox.  Vix doesn’t mean anything.  It makes me think of Vick’s Vapo Rub.  And, yes, vixen can have connotations about sexiness, or something, I guess.  But it’s still pretty tame and old-fashioned.  I do kind of like having the bottle with the silly name on the cap instead of the real name.

Essie Demure "Vix"
Essie Demure "Vix"

Angora Cardi took some effort.  It wasn’t stocked at any of the WalGreens I visited, so it took a special trip to a WalMart that’s far away.  My sweet husband even drove us there, which was good because I had no idea where we were.  This is the WalMart that had two Essie displays, one like the newer WalGreens displays and one like the older WalMart-style displays.  This color is so pretty.  It changes a lot depending on lighting-sometimes it looks brown, sometimes purple-y like raisins, sometimes dusty reddish like bricks.  I used three coats:

Essie Angora Cardi
Essie Angora Cardi

Then for the second day I added CND Teal Sparkle, one half of the the Fall/Winter 2010 special set from CND.  Over Angora Cardi, Teal Sparkle looks more green/gold, but there’s still a flash of blue, too.  This is only coat of Teal Sparkle.  In the picture in the shade below, you can see how dense the sparkle pieces are in just one coat-it’s very shiny.

Essie Angora Cardi w/ CND Teal Sparkle
Essie Angora Cardi w/ CND Teal Sparkle
Essie Angora Cardi w/ CND Teal Sparkle
Essie Angora Cardi w/ CND Teal Sparkle, shade

I’m happy I was able to find these.  There are salons that I could have made a special trip to and possibly found them, but that seems like even more of a hassle than just going to a WalGreens or a WalMart where I’ll probably be able to get something else, too.  And I have to admit that I’m interested partly because it’s new.  There are also 11 shades that are exclusive to the retail outlets, so that’s another reason to check out these new Essie displays–you can’t get some of the colors through the normal Essie sellers.  I’ll have swatches of two of the retail-only Essies coming up soon!

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