Deborah Lippmann Summer 2011 – Yellow Brick Road and Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road
Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road

Deborah Lippmann’s Summer 2011 colors are now available.  I’ve been watching for the yellow from this collection ever since Lady Gaga wore it at the Grammy’s, and I also picked the bright, orangey-coral color, Girls Just Want To Have Fun.

Yellow Brick Road is a sheer yellow that’s mellow and clean looking.  It’s bright enough to be definitely yellow, but also sheer enough to look kind of…funny.  I think funny in a good, slightly weird way; it reminds me of the latex costume Lady Gaga wore at the Grammy’s, and seems like a slightly neutral yellow, in a modern and fashiony way.  It seems to me like a new alternative to the sheer nudes and cremes that are so common.  My mom told me gently that she thought it looked kind of fungus-y from far away, although she admitted that it looked nicer from close up.  But I think that is the mark of a great polish-it’s surprising and different, not exactly like anything else.

It took three coats for this opacity, but they were very easy and almost perfectly even, no streaking at all.  This polish made me feel kind of happy every time I caught sight of it.

Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road
Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road


Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road
Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road

Then, this weekend I found the motherload of OPI Silver Shatter at Ulta, thus ending a weeks-long quest which involved a quite literally shattered bottle of Silver Shatter I had bought from eBay.  I was so excited!  I couldn’t wait to paint it on.  I’m planning to have a more Silver Shatter-focused post later, but I like how it ended up over Yellow Brick Road-the yellow peeks out around the greyish silver and it’s all very subtle and restrained.

Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road
Deborah Lippmann Yellow Brick Road, OPI Silver Shatter

The other Deborah Lippmann polish I chose from the summer colors is Girls Just Want To Have Fun.  That song is like a cord plugged right into my middle school memories, so the name definitely puts me in the right mindset for a bright, fun summer color.  This polish was more orange than I expected-I thought it would have more pink tones, but the pink is very slight.  I really liked the tone of it, it’s bright but seems a tiny bit melony to me.  It took three coats for opacity, and they went on nicely.  I like that it has a squishy look but is still nice and opaque.

Deborah Lippmann Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Deborah Lippmann Girls Just Want To Have Fun


Deborah Lippmann Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Deborah Lippmann Girls Just Want To Have Fun

In this picture on my index finger, you can see some fallout from the day when I opened the package containing the shattered bottle of Silver Shatter.  It was a bad moment.  Right before I was going to take off Girls Just Want To Have Fun I painted OPI’s Guy Meets Gal-veston on my ring and pinky fingers.  I was curious about  how it compared to other orangey corals as I wore Girls Just Want To Have Fun, and I found that it’s way more orange than the OPI.  This surprised me a little because I remember the OPI being very orange itself when I wore it.  But in this picture, you can see how the OPI is much more pink and also a lot more sheer (at three coats) than Girls Just Want To Have Fun.  It made me appreciate the opacity of the Lippmann even more.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Guy Meets Gal-veston
Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Guy Meets Gal-veston


These are great colors, and the application is so nice that I think they’re definitely worth picking up.  Especially Yellow Brick Road, given its place in recent nail polish history!

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