Today I have swatches of the one glitter polish I’ve picked up from OPI’s Holiday 2011 Muppets Collection. Excuse Moi! is a rosy pink base full of lots of different colors and sizes of glitter.
I already reviewed three polishes from the Muppets Collection (Warm & Fozzie, Animal-istic and Pepe’s Purple Passion), and this polish is the one glitter polish that I wanted to try. The other glitter polishes have a clear base, and from other swatches, they look sparse enough that they don’t cover completely, even at three coats.
Excuse Moi! has a sort of reddish-pink base and so much glitter that it was opaque in just two coats, so I was happy with the application. It also isn’t goopy or thick, like some OPI glitters. On the nail, I like that there are a lot of glitters that appear darker, sort of greenish, floating in the pink – it creates an interesting, textured look and seems like a good holiday polish.

This picture shows the density and variety of glitter in Excuse Moi!–there’s a lot of different glitter colors, but I think the base of Excuse Moi! is just opaque enough to tone down the differences in colors a bit, so the darker green glitter color is the one that’s most apparent in the light. In the shade you can see the different colors a bit better – there’s some orange and pink peeking out too. I’m really impressed by how opaque this is and how there’s almost no VNL, even with just two coats.

I also tried one coat of Excuse Moi! over Dior’s Apparat. I really like this combination – Excuse Moi!’s glitter still has a pinkish tone, but it also looks lighter and more silvery over the dark red of Apparat. The speckly green look gets a bit lost over the darker red, but the lighter sparkles come out more. Excuse Moi! also covered well and went on very evenly for just one coat of a glitter polish.

The OPI Muppets Collection polishes should be popping up soon – it wasn’t yet in Ulta when I was there over the weekend, but I found mine in a local salon.