China Glaze Crackle Collection – Crushed Candy over Zoya Kelly

Zoya Kelly w/ China Glaze Crushed Candy
Zoya Kelly w/ China Glaze Crushed Candy

I’m still trying to work through the China Glaze Crackle Collection and try out all of the combinations that I’m curious about.  I’ve been impressed with Broken Hearted and Cracked Concrete, but then I had a fail on last Sunday when I tried to use Lightning Bolt (the white one) over a dark blue color.  I didn’t even take pictures because it was so nasty looking-the white didn’t actually crack apart except in a few spots, and it just mostly looked grey because of the dark blue underneath.  I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with my bottle, or if it just needed to be shaken up, or what.  So, I decided to just move along and try Crushed Candy over Zoya’s Kelly.

This combination worked out really great!  I like the crackle I got from Crushed Candy, although it did seem to break up differently, into bigger chunks, than some of the others, or OPI’s Black Shatter.  Maybe I just need more practice.  And I like the dark grey peeking out from underneath–Kelly is slightly purplish and the blue-green of Crushed Candy brings that out.

Zoya Kelly w/ China Glaze Crushed Candy
Zoya Kelly w/ China Glaze Crushed Candy

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