I’m looking forward to the new Rescue Beauty fall polishes–lately I’ve been thinking about how great Pizzicato would be for this time of the year. Pizzicato is a whitish lavender color with white-silver shimmer. So I started looking around and thought that Zoya’s Marley might help tide me over until Pizzicato comes out.
Marley is from Zoya’s Spring 2011 collection (which I reviewed here and here), and is a light pinkish lavender with really fine shimmer – it’s not enough to sparkle or show up very much, but it does make the color easy to apply, and less streaky than many colors this light. It took only two coats for opacity. Since the shimmer in Pizzicato is larger pieces and more sparkly than the fine shimmer in Marley, I added a coat of Orly Winter Wonderland on top. It’s a sparkly topcoat that’s full of chunky silvery-white shimmer pieces. The shimmer is really heavy, and the pieces also have a sort of jagged look, so it’s kind of like fake snow.
From pictures, it looks like Pizzicato has a more uniform look and is a bit whiter, or maybe pinker, on the nail. But this combination was nice – I hadn’t used Winter Wonderland over a light color before, since it came out last Christmas, but the shimmer is really pretty and still shows up well over the light lavender. Sometimes the shimmer pieces have a lavender or bluish look when they’re not in direct light.

In shady light this combination does look a bit more white, and you can see how heavy the shimmer is with just one coat of Winter Wonderland.

This helped a bit, but I’m still excited for Pizzicato. I’m not sure if Winter Wonderland is still around, but since it just came out last Christmas I bet it’s still available online somewhere. And Pizzicato is due to be released soon, so you could just go straight for the real thing-it will be available online at the Rescue Beauty website.
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