Today I have swatches of Lady Muck, from Butter London’s spring collection. It’s the only one from the collection I really wanted, and I couldn’t talk myself out of it, even though I felt like it was very similar to China Glaze’s Sea Spray. So I checked it out-comparisons coming up.
Lady Muck is a light greyish blue with heavy silvery shimmer. The shimmer pieces are kind of chunky, so it gives a glimmery feel. I did need to use three coats to be sure I wouldn’t have visible nail line, but it applied very well-the line at my cuticles was pretty nice with this one. I like how the shimmer seems to make this a muted, disappearing-at-the-edges color. It’s very grey and soft, and seems somehow old-fashioned? Or like kind of cold, glint-y water? I think that’s it-it makes me think of water, in a way that I didn’t even get from Sea Spray itself.

So to make myself feel better, I compared it to China Glaze’s Sea Spray. I am happy to report that these polishes are not the same! Sea Spray has a white micro-shimmer that doesn’t even really show up while you’re wearing it, and is overall more yellow and/or white than Lady Muck. Lady Muck’s shimmer is chunky enough to give a different feel, and the polish itself is darker and more shadowy seeming than Sea Spray. In the pictures below, I have Lady Muck on my index and middle fingers and Sea Spray on my ring and pinky.

So there are enough differences between the two that I’m happy to have both, although they are pretty similar. If I had to pick a favorite, I think I would have to say Lady Muck slightly edges out Sea Spray for me. Sea Spray is beautiful and I especially like it as a base to layer over, but for complicated, evocative color, I like the slightly darker and more shimmery finish of Lady Muck. Which one do you like better?
Lady Muck is fabulous – I like a polish with texture to it and that grey is really appealing. I recently bought a black polish here in Oz and the texture created on the nail is just amazing and Lady Muck looks really similar. I find butter London a bit hit and miss (All Hail McQueen would have to be one of my biggest disappointments, unfortunately) but I’ll certainly give this a go.